Friday, May 23, 2014


Is this a racist statement?
Mark Cuban, owner of The Dallas Mavericks, said he would cross the street if he saw a black guy in a hoodie come up to him.
Whether he likes it or not, I will back up Mister Cuban’s freedom to speak freely.
Once upon a dark city, Hispanics surrounded me in throwaway hoodies over hoodies because they were about to commit a crime that the CIA would classify as Black Ops.
They were members of a South Bronx gang called Power Rules.
They were summoned by a gangster I helped in childhood when I brought him art equipment to channel creativity on paper instead of the walls in our building. 
Years later, he saw what a Neo Nazi and others did to me at NYU after the first bombing of the World Trade Center. Coldly, my friend summoned his hit squad.
I could smell machine oil on the faceless ones in shadows. They packed heat to extradite Nazi into a van and to basement in Fort Apache for me to work over six feet under.
Instead, I went to the Sixth Precinct in The Village. Truth, Justice and the comic books…
My gangster friend warned me not to be naive. Don’t trust NYPD, he said grimly.
Things got worse because of police corruption in another version of Power Rules. 
All of a sudden, Nazi inflicted head injuries behaved like a time bomb in brain.
Fade to MRI and how many years passed by? What century is this? Who am I?
Technically being brain dead doesn’t mean I can’t dream of revenge by living well.
It’s time for this ghost in the machine to wake up world/ shake up system.
Come hell or high water, justice happens to evildoers.
Count down on it you shades of Nazi scum …
To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks: Real Life Comic Book Cyber Journal Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature By Danny Aponte of P.S 161
Chapter One: It was a dark and stormy knight of Jedi journalism

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