Thursday, June 12, 2014

This is a story I call Cross Eyed.


It’s about Catholic School girls gone wild over an angelically beautiful Puerto Rican boy named Jesus. Mad with love, they fought for his attention to the point of Jihad


Then the ghost of President Lincoln shows up like Obi Wan Kenobi to quote from Bartlett’s Book of Quotations or was it Bible?  A house divided can’t stand for long, Honest Abe said before being disincarnated by one of the girls that resorted to Harry Potter’s bag o magic tricks to get her insatiable desires of getting the man of her dreams fulfilled.  Like Global Warming on Mother Earth, it was a free for all that left The City Of The World in flames and more excuses for train delays by The MTA.


 I am seriously thinking of investing in a jetpack to get to school on time.


 Anyway, Reality TV shows up, as does Men In Black from The Vatican to the Rolling Stones singing pleased to meet you/ Hope you guessed my name.


(Hint: it’s Social Media and we are legion of Selfies.)


It all goes viral on Me Tube and gets millions of hits from a world that has evolved from couch potatoes to Bionic Potatoes in Cyberspace that has achieved the mission impossible of changing French Fries to American Fries.




 I have to log off and do homework on what if The Roman Empire had Smart Phones and Speedy Internet Access. Would it have fallen faster than the 8 centuries it took to fall?




To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks: Real Life Comic Book Cyber Journal Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature By Danny Aponte of P.S 161


Chapter One: It was a dark and stormy knight of Jedi journalism


This looks like a job for Special Agent Carlos Danger


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