Wednesday, June 11, 2014

French Fries after 9/11 became American Fries. I can't make up irony.

If Donald Sterling changed the name of The Clippers to The Black Skins the media firefight would make people totally forget The Redskin Controversy in the NFL.


Pointing this out reminds me of my favorite fable where a king made adults fearfully see the invisible clothes on his royal naked butt paraded into a town of eyes wide shut


Only a kid saw how con artists used the king’s vanity to make him a fool.


Hey, We, The Blind People, second-class citizens are fighting for rights.


Can history bring black to the future? We have to wonder years?


Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD, was white and now black.


Jim West of The Wild, Wild West was white and now black. Ms. Moneypenny in the 007 movies was white and now she’s beautifully black. I wake up in the morning and stare into the bathroom mirror to see Denzil Washington staring back with surprise.




I’m in a parallel universe where white fades to black!


This is drama where humor happens.


It’s called N-Word, You Is White.


Oh Lord, free at last to LOL!


The end of racism is near!


Good luck! Good night!


To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks: Real Life Comic Book Cyber Journal Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature By Danny Aponte of P.S 161


Chapter One: It was a dark and stormy knight of Jedi journalism


This looks like a job for Special Agent Carlos Danger

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