Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stay tuned

Bronx Zoo was under brightness burning through Ozone Layer weakened by parasites.


I sweated hours in heat wave to prevent homelessness by Paradise Management.  I roamed decades of buildings and houses that made it to 21 Century.




I saw park as paradise when I saw a water fountain.


It was a dry well in The South Bronx.


It was like a mirage.


I’m thirsty for justice like a turtle left to die in a desert of scorpions.


Unlike the boy I was, I see the virtue of violence on evildoers.


I finally tracked you down. I know exactly where you live.


You have no idea on what I’m going to do with you.


Yes, you, Freedom of Speech.


I have many ideas…


To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks: Real Life Comic Book Cyber Journal Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature By Danny Aponte of P.S 161


Chapter One: It was a dark and stormy knight of Jedi journalism


I’m writing program to bring Hell to Paradise Management.


Behold a pale writer. And deadline wrote with him




My brain MRI done by New York Radiology, TV guided mind on sharpening visions


…like tears in rain…


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