Thursday, October 12, 2017


 Once upon a time, the moon was called Eos. It was fertile like Earth.

Anti Matter bomb ripped the air apart with Ultra Global Warming

Life was destroyed.

Mars was also destroyed.

My people could only save Earth from aliens called humans.

We destroyed their technology.

We left them trapped on the planet where they once killed the dinosaurs.

We traced them to their point of origin in the universe.

We judged them and delivered punishment of Non Existence.

You present day humans are what is left of the planet killers.

Earth has cried out in great pain.

We are here now.

My advice to you humans is this: find yourself a good Jewish lawyer

You humans have been served eviction papers via our agent, Danny.

The Cosmic Trial will be the end of you humans.

And the end is a beginning of a new Earth

Now we make movie.

This nightmare called reality is going to DreamWorks

Please excuse me. I have to recharge now


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