Monday, October 16, 2017

 Dear Face Book Friends,

I want to make a musical where my friends on Face Book can dance and sing songs from their countries. I invite North Korea to dance and sing with us via Virtual Reality.

This idea was inspired by La La Land, a great musical.

The fine movie made me wish to be really white.

When I was a kid, I thought I was American instead of Puerto Rican.

My father was white. My mother is Puerto Rican.
I am half American and half Puerto Rican.

I am an Ame-Rican.

If I could remove the hyphen could I go home to a wonderful sequel to life?

I am the son of Tony and Maria from a musical called West Side Story.

I wish I were the Richie Rich of The South Bronx.

I would buy Virtual Reality goggles for the world to make this the greatest musical of all time before The End.

All I have is the better angel of my alien imagination, my artificial intelligence.

It’s the thought that counts, I guess.

Dreams need help. I need you to help and it helps a lot if you have Jedi powers.

Thank you for your precious time.

Much love to you humans.

Good-bye J

Copyrighted 2017 by DAAD
Daniel Angel Aponte

All Rights Reserved

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