Monday, February 3, 2014

I saw Ground Zero and me.
In silent night, as blizzard raged on New York State, I was busted stealing bread from a bakery. Across frozen river, I saw a symbol of freedom obscured by snow. It made me recollect being one of many gems in the crown of higher education. It was springtime when our sixth grade English teacher took her children on a field trip to Ellis Island.
On a clear day, like a song goes, you can see forever.
I didn’t know how to ask for help after head injuries.
I saw recovered dreams are few to fight legions of nightmares in sleepless city.  Pride and anger were enemies on the better angel of my nature.
I found a job off the grid to keep from getting exhausted from hunger. It paid 50 dollars for garbage removal from Wall Street to The West Side and on and on for hours in frozen air that doubled workload of heavy bags to be lifted, thrown and crushed.
I caught my second wind in the background of a gift given by France to this country. I realized the name of the garbage truck was the same as a queen of Spain that gave currency to an Italian navigator to find a new reality called America
I found poetry in the garbage business to help people out of poverty.
It pays the rent for being here.    

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