Why My Teachers Loved My Book Reports So Much by Danny
Aponte of P.S 161
Picasso’s Blue Period was brought into being after his best
friend Carlos Casagemas, a diehard romantic, committed suicide in 1901 in Paris
over a whore. Was she a whore?
I think she was a whore.
It was so long ago that I don’t quite recall. I bet she was
a whore who sung to him Be My Little Baby. Maybe she was an art whore like a
rock and roll groupie. Maybe she cheated
on Carlos with good old faithful Pablo. Maybe that’s why he killed himself.
The truth twisted him all shades of cubism.
It was the end of a Bromance and the beginning of Evocation:
The Burial of Casagemas, a painting by Picasso of his friend in Earth and
Heaven and Weeping Woman followed.
What if Carlos came back to life to hear Sean Connery say he
was immortal?
Awesome! And now to get revenge on the whore!
This would be like Highlander meets another movie called Of
Human Bondage, where legendary Bette Davis plays the mother of cinematic whores
in film history. What if I’m Carlos Casagemas and learned if you go to bed with
a whore you become a whore?
Anyway, Roy Liechtenstein and the deep blues of jazz greats
like Miles Davis inspires this piece I call Mural For Myself In The South Bronx
of America.
I died and went to Google Heaven
Enjoy my Ronettes sing I Wish I Never Seen The Sunshine and
Walking In The Rain.
Think positive
P.S: If offended by me, then use Block, the new bitch slap
on Face Book. I can take it.
I’ve been abused before. Now I’m free to fly, happy in
cyberspace. Adios, humans.
How To Pitch Nightmares To
By Danny Aponte of P.S 161
Copyrighted by me in 2014.
So why is China LOL?