Thursday, February 19, 2015

Big story is small in size

5 African –American children and their pot-smoking father with blood-shot eyes were taken out of homeless shelter and into $2,800 apartment paid by New Yorkers. 

Noise upstairs made me want to plead with the mother of the children to use apartment as classroom because A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste but she was not ‘home’

The kids ran non-stop over cracked ceiling in stampede that trampled their brains and human rights of my disabled mother in a rent-controlled apartment since Watergate.

Called the Fire Department at 3 in the morning after rapid flow of rust colored toilet water from upstairs slowed down to drips like Chinese Water Torture on heads of prisoners to make sanity babble for early release by death.

Ceiling was like Ozone Layer being eaten away by the nature of the beast in business.

 Nazi Germany came to The South Bronx when landlord’s henchmen banged on our door and ordered us to move out into smaller apartment not rent controlled.

“Leave your furniture behind! I’m giving you bunk beds,” said fast-talking Dominican representative of Paradise Management in another moment of Harassment Hell. Money is being made from the homeless in a town that is mother of homeless shelters and, in some cases, a halfway house across the river into Riker’s Island Prison. Kids are under poorly designed program that does not work effectively to lift people from poverty. It’s like an incompetent teacher that allows for children to do whatever they want.  They’re not being taught how to read their way free from easy wastelands of illegal guns and drugs.

Are children being cultivated as possible future crop of cop killers and chokeholds?

Does Paradise Management believe everyone is stupid in The South Bronx?

I grew up watching Mission: Impossible on CBS. Time to light the fuse.

Execute Judgment Day on ‘Paradise’


Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161
An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine
Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity!!!

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