Saturday, August 2, 2014

Blog Noir

Unnoticed, I walked by an abortion center in The South Bronx of retroactive abortions.


People pray, police protects and kids play on in The City of Illegal Guns and Roses.


I have jot down sights for homework to create tour book for our home.


Home finally is a funeral home across the street from my home.


Downhill and across river is Riker’s Island Prison of tattoos.


I tattoo words on white paper to draw blood and tourist.


I sat on a bench in Edgar Allen Poe Park


And I wondered what else to write.


The 1990s is far from finished


I waded into waters still as starless night was silent. To be or not to be forgotten by the universe that is the question that held me like a mother holding a newborn. To sleep dreamless where everyone is made equal in The Perfect Democracy is a soothing thought.


Like wings over my shoulders, the darkness of the ocean was a benevolent rapture of the deep. Then a girl cried out like a siren of the sea. It was Omara on the shores and behind her were explosions of the diamond sights of The Ferris Wheel and other chandelier rides for children of all ages. Atlantis was in her eyes as she wrapped life around me.


Nice night we’re having in Coney Island, my love.



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