Thursday, April 24, 2014

Acid is for those that think imagination can come in pill form

Jotting questions down for a story that draws people together to exercise a fat democracy


Next Great American Novel is Face Book /Tweeter that paints pretty picture sound bite?


We, the people of Earth can’t exist without social media in the culture of narcissism?


Founding Father Thomas Jefferson wrote he couldn’t live without text heavy books?


Homo sapiens have gone in the wrong direction where no one has gone before?


Smells like Teen American Spirit sucked into space through hole in Ozone?


Why is Fox killing off their fan base with dark media like The Following?


 Will Life movie on in City of Angels where I’m a rebel without Sinema?


To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks


Comic Book Journal By Danny Aponte of P.S 161



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