Tuesday, October 2, 2018

My Start Up Sparked By My Ideas

 My English teacher gave homework for us to create tour books of our lives.

She wanted us to title our journals. My title was Hobo With A Library Card: The Movie.

I got the idea from watching a homeless African American in front of a library on 42 Street near a tourist trap called Times Square, home to movie theaters.

He sat on cardboard as he held a sign that read


It was a problem in a high priced city not to have money to pay a homeless black man to listen to my problems.

I had a dream for the city that never sleeps.

 I’ll make money by going to a publisher with my book about my wish to live life like a Great American Novel, one that would read like science fiction in a comic book and how the public library became my Fortress Of Solitude.

In other words, there’ll be no WAITING FOR SUPERMAN.

“We don’t publish stories about minorities,” said a woman at a major league publishing house in Madhattan. She hung up before I could say another word.


What she said became part of my American Journey.

I call this chapter Danny Of America or D.O.A

In full disclosure, my story is 98% true and 2 % poetic political fat and filler.

In The Final Draft it will be 100%

I have a chapter on politics called THE MAN WITH THE BIGGEST PENIS IN THE WORLD. It is about life during wartime under Trump.

And how family values have changed. The Pilgrims banned the word Penis in public now plentiful in a time of Artificial Intelligence in the palms of people stuck on stupid.

Male masturbation is up due to pornography available on smart phones turned sluts.

Behold the glory that was 21 Century Roman Empire.

“Danny, you’re not like other children. You’re a head of the times and on top of the news. Be a child. Enjoy your childhood. Don’t grow up too fast,” worried my teacher who taught me to write what I know and I know the power of THE DARKSIDE OF THE MEDIA.  I also know TRUTH, JUSTICE AND THE COMIC BOOKS.

You can’t stop a dream from rewriting a blood soaked world into one where LOVE rules people IN THE CHURCH OF COMMON SENSE.

To whomever it may concern a thousand years from now, I hope everything worked out for the best. If not, please let me know. I could use a laugh.

 My mother was a college student who went with her friends to an open-air concert at Woodstock in upstate New York also known as The Big Apple. She met a good-looking bearded dude who gave her LSD and was caught up in a whirlwind relationship that ended with her pregnant and her lover splitting atoms for a new creation called Apple.

He abandoned mommy and a very, very special baby born with enhanced DNA.

Among my abilities is telepathy. And I know what you’re thinking:

The fantasy doesn’t fall far from the tree of Reality.

Only telepaths can read between the lines.

The rest have to wait for a book


Hobo With A Library Card: The Movie

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