Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I need a grant award to continue wasting Time Space

Gleefully, he gloated as he typed what he thought would be the greatest best-selling book in history just one second before a polite meteor knocked on his door.


Hi, Anxiety by Danny Aponte of P.S 161 in The South Bronx of America


 “We don’t publish stories from minorities,” a woman snarled over an ancestor of The Smart Phone. His ears were still ringing with puns hours after she had hung up.


Chapter 1: It was a dark and stormy night of Post Traumatic Stress from rejections.


All of a sudden, lightning transformed him into The Hobo With A Library Card!


Pens popped out of fists like the claws of a wild animal (perhaps a wolverine.)


Writer’s Block exploded in all directions of the planet Earth. 


The world of publishing shuddered in dread of retribution.


And this was just the first draft.

Art Design & Text By Daniel Angel Aponte


Copyrighted 2014


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