Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Come a little closer, my little spy bot

Thanks to NYPL, I’m learning how to write code for my own apps for smart devices


It’s another sign of The Apocalypse.






Recken It's Time For Me To Movie On, Partner. Adios

Happy New Year to the beautiful spirits gracing my Face Book!!!


To use a song by REM, it’s the end of the world, as we know it


And I feel fine





Monday, December 29, 2014

The Artlaw Danny Aponte Poetic Justice was never like this

Hey, Danny from the past, it’s me, Danny from the future!


I’ve come back just in time to give you an awesome idea!


Thanks Danny from the future said Danny from the past


And on and on it goes.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Head hurts to think??? Wow. That's a case of being stuck on stupid. If I only had a brain...

Earth requests the honor of taking a selfie with your beautiful spirit on Face Book.


Thank you and eye hope you have a WONDERFULLY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


First Cell Contact With The Better Aliens Of Human Imagination


By Danny Angel Aponte of P.S 161 in The South Bronx




The False Mirror by Rene Margritte



The Creative Force Awakens In The South Bronx Of America


On a hill in our little town at night, there’s a building brightly decorated with Christmas lights in a way that makes it look like it belongs in a city in Tron.


It’s opposite my former school, P.S 161, where kids worked on A.I to enter into The National Science Fair. The children’s creativity is A.I or Amazing Imagination. They upgraded me to come up with a vision to bring people together before it too late.


 “This will show that The South Bronx is good for something,” said a little African-American inventor to a reporter at WPIX NEWS.


Color code genius with heart is the password to liberating the realm of dreams.


My Inner Child died and went to Google Heaven


Please wait while the system reboots


The Spirit Of The Silicon







Is your smart device stuck on stupid?

Friday, December 26, 2014

I made you a gift or gif

Fellini Face Book Time


How did a nice couple from Down Under get involved with an extraterrestrial who inhabits the body of a dead Puerto Rican from The South Bronx of America?


You smell that, mate? It’s smells like an Oscar.


Happy Pagan Holidays, humans!





Keep in mind I suffered head injuries so bear with this blog

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Season's Greetings From A Planet Not So Far Far Away

My season greetings and freedom to express a wish to my Face Book Friends


I wish I were nobody to the world and a hero to a loving wife and kids.


Instead, I have a life of adventure. I‘ve been to space to fight aliens.


I’ve saved Earth from destruction so many times.


I’ve made love to beautiful alien women


In other words, so long suckers!!!


Enjoy being ordinary.




Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Humans, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. What part didn't you understand?

Please don’t cry, my friend. May I have a word with you on Global Warming?


No? When then allow me to wish your good dreams come true!





Keep in mind I suffered head injuries so bear with this blog

Happy New Fears In 2020