Thursday, November 29, 2018

Made In Heaven Copyrighted On Earth

Head injuries. Almost Heaven. West Virginia.
The door was opened to our first music class on a beautiful morning.

We were told to pick any instrument on a long table.

No guitar in sight, so I ran happily to a golden trumpet.

Mary Had A Little Lamb was the first tune we learned to play.

Mural For Ourselves In The South Bronx Of Admerica

By Danny Aponte, 6th Grader at Public School 161

All Human Rights Reserved 2018 to Infinity

On Word 98, I wondered how to begin on stories being left behind in the last century.

Once Upon A Time never goes out of style in a small library of near infinite dimensions where the boy I was discovered A Winkle In Time. He wanted to time travel anywhere.

No automatic alt text available.Locked up in a small apartment in The South Bronx, he peeled back layers of carpet to a time when people used newspapers to line wooden floors. The dates on the papers were 1938. He kept peeling papers until it seemed he had fallen through a hole in night skies filled with the sound of Swing Music. It was, to say the least, just another ho hum day in the extraordinary adventures of an imaginative little boy.

1998 HAPPY NEW YEAR quickly soured. “We don’t publish stories about minorities,” baked and snarled a woman over the phone in a brand name publishing house in NYC.

I imagined my American Dream outsourced to England where a woman with a baby asked me what I was working on. She sat a little closer to me on a bench in front of The Thames River when I told her my story is about a boy who is a wizard taken to a school for wizards. I passed out from a rock she used to bash me head bloody. 

Well, I have go. I have to get a copyright

Oh. There it is.

Copyrighted 2018 by DAAD LLC

All Rights Reserved

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