Friday, January 16, 2015

TV Guide is The Great American Novel

 Once upon a time never goes out of style.

Once upon a time, there was a little boy in The South Bronx who wished for The Doctor Of Everything to show up and help him with his homework on saving Earth.

Actually, he had homework to create a tour book to draw tourists to his hometown.

But what was the point if the planet was destroyed. It all seemed hopeless.

Suddenly, the little boy heard whooshing grinding engines late at night.

He ran upstairs to the roof and saw a police box from England.

The door opened to reveal a big smile that was bigger inside.

And a crazy gleam of genius in his eyes

Can’t spell your brain without AI, boy

Here’s where we’re going to travel to.

It’s off to the future and to the past

And to present in a wink of an eye!

I do multi task, you know

LOL To Be Continued

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