Friday, January 30, 2015


I’m throwing my Dead Celebrity Butt Tattoo into The Shark Tank to see it swim.

Smell that?

It’s the $weet $cent of $ucce$$!!! Butt wait!

There’s much more!!!


Once again, it’s doom & gloom as The History Channel repeats itself

I’m a man of great wealth & taste.  Pleased to meet you!

Hoped you guessed my name on Fantasy Island.

North Korea likes Dead Celebrity Butt Tattoo

Dead Celebrity Butt Tattoo by Danny Aponte of P.S 161 in The South Bronx

All Butts Reserved 2015 by The Shaking Money Makers Company

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Media Fire Fight!!!!

It’s not unusual to be loved by someone extraterrestrial 

It’s not unusual to have fun with humans.

It happens everyday.


I died and went to Google Heaven.

Well kiss my ad.

North Korea likes this


You love me madly? That’s very strange because I love me madly too!!!

Now here’s the great Tom Jones singing What’s New Pussycat!!!

It’s not unusual to be loved by someone extraterrestrial 

It’s not unusual to have fun with humans.

It happens everyday.


I died and went to Google Heaven.

Well kiss my ad.

North Korea likes this

Yes, I am poor but loaded with imagination. I'm the Richie Rich of the South Bronx of America

You love me madly? That’s very strange because I love me madly too!!!

Now here’s the great Tom Jones singing What’s New Pussycat!!!

It’s not unusual to be loved by someone extraterrestrial 

It’s not unusual to have fun with humans.

It happens everyday.


I died and went to Google Heaven.

Well kiss my ad.

North Korea likes this

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I got fired again from another ad agency. I don't think I any good at advertising and I really shouldn't advertise that

Don’t lose your heads in anger but this is why I was disavowed by the agency I worked for as an intern who questioned chain of command and everything.

How does one promote tourism to The Middle East anyway?

Free prison jumpsuits supplied by Old Navy? 

Well kiss my ad in the name of satire.

Good Laughter is one of my swords

Bad world needs to seriously reset.

Fair Justice for all human beings

Or I’ll make you LOL

Until you cry

North Korea likes this

I'm just a hobo with a library card!!! Why am I being chased by CIA and other---oh. That's right. I OD on DVDS

 True Text

Face Book shut down my account after firewalls were hacked by unknown parties.

Then a woman sent a message to my unlisted cell phone.  She had the name of Mauritania that I later saw on a map in a PBS news program.

It’s a country in the Middle East. 

And the adventure begins…

Spooky cool

My credentials are in order. Access Granted. Top Secret Information Now Available

Albert Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge.

 But I know it pays to know knowledge…

Japanese Anime South Bronx style!!!

I Think I’m Turning Japanese I Really Think So!!!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Tattoo Tattoo ove your butt or Nano Nano

I regret to inform that since you, like Merle Streep, have won so many Best Supporting Face Book Friend Oscar Awards you are no longer eligible this year and years to come.

People have accused me of nepotism and compared me to a North Korea dictator.

No more politics and but plenty of diversity for everyone around the world

Thank you for your support and not being a sore loser. 

Golden Years sung by David Bowie

I regret to inform that since you, like Merle Streep, have won so many Best Supporting Face Book Friend Oscar Awards you are no longer eligible this year and years to come.

People have accused me of nepotism and compared me to a North Korea dictator.

No more politics and but plenty of diversity for everyone around the world

Thank you for your support and not being a sore loser.

Friday, January 23, 2015


For Best Face Book Friend, The Oscar goes to… YOU!!!  OMG!!! WHO KNEW?

Please keep your acceptance text speech short.

Thank you & XOXOLOL

Imagination is an insanely great app for your brAIn.

My thanks to Google, The Public Library and the better aliens of human imagination

For Best Face Book Friend, The Oscar goes to… YOU!!!  OMG!!! WHO KNEW?

Please keep your acceptance text speech short.

Thank you & XOXOLOL

Imagination is an insanely great app for your brAIn.

Happy New Fears In 2020