Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Hispanics Fron Krypton!!!

When I was a kid, my big brothers took me to an ancient movie theatre in Times Square.


The theatre used to belong to upper class whites for their plays and operas until it was taken over by black people with the minority being Puerto Ricans.


There was so many people smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol.


They shouted profanities when the lights dimmed and the curtains parted. All was quiet when they saw the title of the movie: The Planet Of The Apes. In the next seat, a black man looked at me and bared his teeth. I felt his anger rise like a disturbance in The Force.


I felt fear for my life.


Fortunately, another black man saved me by shouting from the balcony. “ Yo, Tyrone! There goes your mother!” The theater blew up with laugher.


Martin Luther King and Richard Pryor would have been proud.


This has been another near death experience at the movies.


The end.





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