Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I dream dreams like diamonds falling like tears

Last night, I dreamt nudity in a crowded airport of selfies and security cameras on walls.
I haven’t seen you for a while, said clerk of strawberry blond hair and Mona Lisa smile.
I couldn’t chitchat with a lovely girl who looked song familiar like Crimson & Clover.
I had to make flight into outer space naked or I couldn’t board Fantasy Island plane.
With so many clothed people chasing after me, I ran like a panicky pony.
I woke up gasping for air in The South Bronx nearby The Bronx Zoo
I went back to sleep to find and fly Freedom from N.Y nightmares.
Like a hungry babe left in the woods, I thirst for a new reality.
What did I eat last night, Mr. Sigmund Freud?
I saw War Horse.
I finish writing this in the morning song background of Knocking On Heaven’s Door
Daniel Angel Aponte departed 1993 from head injuries. Dream Murals For The South Bronx Of America
DAAD 2014 Copyrighted as if that going to stop theft of dreams

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