Thursday, February 14, 2013

Retinas Scanned …Identity Confirmed…Run Program

Retinas Scanned …Identity Confirmed…Run Program

Good morning, Dan.

Your mission, if you decide to accept, is to put Islamic U.S citizens on police line-ups.

Modifications made to The Patriot Act will enable you to include The United States of America (for example: Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.)

The super computer eclectic will aid you in capturing the spirit of We, The People and bring them to The Bronx County Courthouse as Exhibit A to get a homework assignment done on creating a tour book for The South Bronx.
As always, you choose your all-girl team from Face Book.

However, it is imperative you include on this mission retired Commander James Carter who got his hands dirty by rebuilding houses in Habitat For Humanity.

He is currently working for peanuts on his farm.

 If you are captured and subjected to the enhanced interrogation tactics of The View, Oprah Winfrey, and others in the liberal media, you will enjoy the pain as you were trained to do while all knowledge of your actions will be disavowed and made into a movie by Ben Affleck (on the theory people won’t believe anything unless it’s a movie.)

Once exposed, you’ll never be able to eat in privacy under The Golden Arches again.

Good luck, Dan.

This coded message in plain English will unfriend you in 3…2…1

The fuse is lit.

Ad Mission: Impossible begins!

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