Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Need Hero? Picture Yourself!

Once upon a time, I stared at a typewriter until a gunshot was heard and blood spattered across a sheet of paper. The End began when the boy I was saw a dog on top of his house.

                                   Chapter 1: It was a dark and stormy night.

It would be so cool to see that sound bite on his tombstone but he’s immortal now.

Lucky bastard.

As for me, I have to dig deep until words begin to bleed like fresh tattoos of Pit Bulls on the back of a drug dealer in the city of illegal guns and roses. This is what I remember about The Wonder Years Of Living Dangerously.  In my childhood, I saw the bombings on my train of thoughts by the legalized graffiti artists of Madison Avenue and how life movies on in The South Bronx of America. I saw we had all the time in the world.

And I say to myself, like Louis Armstrong sang, what a wonderful world this is.

 I love you, honey bunny…

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