Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Brief History Of Mind

Once upon a time in The South Bronx of America, I peeled back layers of old carpet to an era when people used newspapers to line wooden floors. 

I found a reporter with my first name. Then I slipped through a rift of imagination and fell from starry skies to a parallel universe where dreams come true.

 “A glorious place, a glorious age, I tell you! A very Neon Renaissance---And the myths that touched you at that time---not Hercules, Orpheus and Aeneas—but Super Man, Captain Marvel, Bat Man
                                        Tom Wolfe on page 911 in Bartlett’s Book of Quotations

 I Once upon a time, I made a wish to live life like a Great American Novel, one that would read  like the science fiction of a comic book worthy of the shelves of The Public Library, my childhood Fortress of Solitude. 

Ms. Raeside, my 6th grade English teacher, believed I would do it in the near future. Just write what you know, she advised. 

I know Social Media.

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