Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wormbot Inside

 I was a hobo who was used in illegal experiments conducted by a shadow division of a world-renowned tech company.

Hobos died by the hundreds.

Their bodies were taken to a new factory complex in The South Bronx called Soylent Green. New Yorkers didn’t care. They turned their backs on hobos, as did the media.

I was only 10 years old, the youngest of the hobos, when my DNA was enhanced to super human level. I was bar coded El Nino.

I was to become the property of The US Armed Forces in the war on terrorism.

I destroyed the tech company and all of their mercenaries.

I liberated hobos by the thousands.

And now, America, it’s time to take this nightmare to DreamWorks.

And, yes, I have way too much time on my hands.

All of Eternity

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