Saturday, February 24, 2018

Color Me Noir

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 This is my story about a legendary gunslinger that returns from The Civil War to become a librarian in West Virginia. He falls in love with a Christian schoolteacher who invites him to teach her students to shun violence.

 Her students idolize him to the point where he recalls the dead and the dying that soaked the earth with blood. He tells them guns are not a solution. We need education to solve the problems that face our country. Are you saying we should give up our guns? My pa ain’t gonna like that, said a freckled face tow headed boy with high water pants held up by hemp. The Librarian smiled and said one of The Apostles used a sword to cut off an ear of a messenger boy who brought bad news to Jesus. The Son of God picked up the ear and put it back on the boy as if he was Mister Potato Head.  Then The King of Kings proceeded to scold his apostle who might have been Judas. He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. The children asked him what Jesus meant.

It means that the blue light sword turned red because the apostle lost control to The Dark Side Of The Force. A little pony-tailed girl raised her hand. So it takes a good Jedi to take out a Sith Lord, she said and then made the sounds of light swords hissing and clashing.

Almost Heaven/West Virginia

Computer! Arch! Exit Program!

Cosmic Roads/Take me home/

To the place/I belong

Warp 7 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

 The Americans stole technology from me to jump start Silicon Valley. Facebook, Google and all other platforms were created from my ship. The Americans found a way to repress my memories and my powers. They made me believe I was an old hobo from The Great Depression.

Worse, Americans took away the woman who loved me.

Now that I have my powers back, we're going to make movie to prepare Americans and the world for THE END.

And The sequel is where I evict humans into a Black Hole.

And I have to sell this story before I get evicted from a shabby overpriced apartment in The South Bronx. LOL

Happy New Fears In 2020